Non-binary youth group

11th October 2023
4.30pm - 6pm
U City, 43 Franklin Street, Adelaide

This is a free group for young people under 25 who are questioning, are unsure of, or don’t identify with binary gender.

Non-binary person smiling


This is a free group for young people under 25 who are questioning, are unsure of, or don’t identify with binary gender. Sessions are facilitated by staff from Bfriend and the Uniting Communities Counselling team.

We strive to be a neurodiverse inclusive and generally inclusive space. The building is accessible and has gender neutral bathrooms. It’s ok to come and not talk. It’s ok to bring a support person. It’s ok to be questioning or not sure if non-binary fits for you.

And we want to remind everyone who attends, that this group is purely for social interaction. This is not a group for dating. We strive for this space to be safe for all who attend.

This group meets on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people and acknowledges that sovereignty was never ceded. We respect the spiritual relationship of Kaurna and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with their country, culture and heritage beliefs. And we welcome any non-binary Aboriginal folks.

Coming along for the first time?

Give us a call on 8202 5805 to let us know.

Please arrive 15 minutes early on the day to complete some paperwork for the group.